Soul like a Rocket

Starting this blog was the birth of a new part of me. I have been impregnated with inspirations and writings for years but out of the need for approval, I have kept them inside. Heaven forbid I bear my soul to someone and they disagree with me, or think I'm crazy.Yet, this last year has manifested the most beautiful experiences because I have released the need to be "safe" from the consequences of letting my self be seen. By living my truth and acting on my intuition, my life has unfolded into a fairy tale full of synchronicity and connection.Sure I have bad days, but I've learned that pain is nothing more than a redirection. Pain to me, is our spirit's natural response to living out of alignment with our soul.We all have those moments of doubt. Those moments of resistance to showing our deepest desires and thoughts to another. We think that the fear of rejection protects our hearts. But in reality, it is a prison.We are humans. We are meant to explore, to mess up, to fail, to learn and to try again. When we live in fear, our heart's desires become stagnant. And in that place we make the biggest mistake: we stay small. Our relationships stay small, our careers stay small, our bank accounts stay small, and our impact on the world stays small.Learning to let your soul spill out of you into the world is exactly how I described it; it is like birth. Birth is the most physically painful experience known to earth, but it results in the miracle of new life. A life full of desires birthed from the deepest truth of who we are.So let your soul be seen. The pain of rejection is real, but necessary. It calls us to a place of true connection with those who crave our authenticity and need it in their lives.Our desires call us to discover a home we've never known.Don't stay small. The world needs you.I'd like to leave with you the poem that inspired me to begin my blog. I hope it awakens in you the same power it did in me.

So You Want To Be A Writer?

if it doesn’t come bursting out of youin spite of everything,don’t do it.unless it comes unasked out of yourheart and your mind and your mouthand your gut,don’t do it.if you have to sit for hoursstaring at your computer screenor hunched over yourtypewritersearching for words,don’t do it.if you’re doing it for money orfame,don’t do it.if you’re doing it because you wantwomen in your bed,don’t do it.if you have to sit there andrewrite it again and again,don’t do it.if it’s hard work just thinking about doing it,don’t do it.if you’re trying to write like somebodyelse,forget about it.if you have to wait for it to roar out ofyou,then wait patiently.if it never does roar out of you,do something else.if you first have to read it to your wifeor your girlfriend or your boyfriendor your parents or to anybody at all,you’re not ready.don’t be like so many writers,don’t be like so many thousands ofpeople who call themselves writers,don’t be dull and boring andpretentious, don’t be consumed with self-love.the libraries of the world haveyawned themselves tosleepover your kind.don’t add to that.don’t do it.unless it comes out ofyour soul like a rocket,unless being still woulddrive you to madness orsuicide or murder,don’t do it.unless the sun inside you isburning your gut,don’t do it.when it is truly time,and if you have been chosen,it will do it byitself and it will keep on doing ituntil you die or it dies in you.there is no other way.and there never was.

-Charles Bukowski, 1920 - 1994

Love & Light,Sunnie




Soul Contracts