Crystals are beautiful. That goes without saying. But why should you own them? Well you may be shocked to know that you already do. Do you have a watch? A computer? A smartphone? A calculator? A radio? Well surprise! You own a quartz crystal.In 1880, brothers and physicists Pierre and Jacques Curie first demonstrated the piezoelectric effect in quartz crystals stimulating a flood of technological advances utilizing quartz crystals. Almost all digital electronic circuits now rely on this in the form of crystal oscillators.The vibration patterns quartz crystals receive and transmit are manipulated to augment, store, amplify, transfer, transform and focus other vibrational frequencies of energy. Crystal researcher Dr. Marcel Vogel, a senior scientist with IBM for 27 years, holder of 32 patents for his inventions up through his tenure at IBM and man credited with inventing the LCDs screen (Light Crystal Displays) for computers as well as the red light cue for color TV once stated,
“The crystal is a neutral object whose inner structure exhibits a state of perfection and balance. When it’s cut to the proper form and when the human mind enters into relationship with its structural perfection, the crystal emits a vibration which extends and amplifies the powers of the human mind. Like a laser, it radiates energy in a coherent, highly concentrated form, and this energy may be transmitted into objects or people at will.”
Quartz aren't the only stones that do this. All crystals work through the transmission of energy and the subtle adjustment of vibrations. Judy Hall, the author of The Crystal Bible, states that
“Working through vibration, resonance and color, crystals heal holistically and dissolve dis-ease…Crystals are concerned with subtle electromagnetic energies and much of their work is done through realigning the biomagnetic sheath, or aura, that surrounds the physical body and cleansing the chakras, the energy centers that link the two together.”
In other words, the crystals, which have lain within the earth’s magnetic field for millennia, transmit energy that we absorb on both a physical and spiritual level.So let me tell you why I use crystals.First and foremost, it’s like I’m summoning a superpower for the day. When I’m using a crystal, its like I just leveled up on a video game or like I just put on a badass outfit. You feel purposeful and empowered. We can all use some more of that in our lives!!Second, the fact that I took the time to both choose a stone and focus on an intention corrects my vibration. They get my mind right and keep my conscious thought focused and aligned with high vibrations.One of my favorite stones is the citrine stone, also known as the abundance stone. I glued some leather string to that beauty and now I wear it around my neck when I need a personal power boost. It keeps me from getting bogged down in my victim mantras and looking for all the good coming my way. (Parking spots and green lights especially.)I recently got this amazing necklace from GiGi Stone. Besides the fact that it is gorgeous it packs a powerful spiritual punch. It is a Geode Slice with Druzy and then a quartz crystal is cradled in the middle.The Druzy has energy that is especially helpful for Spiritual worship and Lightwork. Like other types of clusters, it empowers the energy of other crystals and stones. Also, its geode shape holds and amplifies the energy within themselves and are particularly useful for protection and aid spiritual growth. The clear quartz raises energy to the highest possible level. It enhances psychic abilities and attunes you to your spiritual purpose.Wearing this necklace helps me channel my inner goddess and divine power and I get a billion compliments on it every time I wear it.I also use crystals for meditation, spiritual work, decoration/space clearing and to amp up my water. I will put a crystal in my water and let it sit all night. Then, I remove the crystal and drink the water while setting my intentions the next morning.Crystal healing and uses go far beyond what I could possibly write in one blog post. Adding the knowledge of sacred geometry and quantum physics to your crystal practices will take your spiritual practice to another dimension (literally).If you want to learn more about crystals and how to care for them I recommend checking out
Spirit Science's 4 part video series on crystals: